Four months old! Time is flying!

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Well hello again..a lot has been going on the last few Joel has been traveling...becoming quite the rolling stone lol :)  His very first outing was to our neighborhood lake Pflugerville.  He has also traveled to Houston three times, Fort Worth twice and out of state to Arkansas!  He has been camping and hiking...we look forward to introducing him to swimming soon...I know he's going to like because he loves his bath time...just like his daddy. :)  We rented a cabin in the Ouachita National Forest near Hot Springs, AR directly on the Oauchita river in celebration of our 10yr wedding anniversary and Joel enjoyed it just as much as we did!  He has had two rounds of shots now and was such a big boy..think it hurt me worse than him... :(  He has more than doubled his birth weight and now weighs 15lbs 6oz...growing like a weed.. ;)  here are some recent pics...enjoy!