Joel now TWO and Hope 5 mos. old...already!

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WOW!  Where in the world is the time going??  It seems like just yesterday we were welcoming Joel into the world and now Hope is nearly half a year old..incredible..  What a wonderfully crazy journey it has been so far!  Since I've blogged last SO much has happened..first of all, Joel is now officially enrolled in preschool!  He will be starting in August at the parents day out program at St. Elizabeth's Catholic Church..I am very excited and think the structure and social setting will be very beneficial to Joel (and the break will be good for me lol!).  I was very impressed with their program (has been running over 17 years)..seems very organized and Christ centered (most important!).  Joel is now speaking a lot more even though he primarily still talks in "Joel language" lol.  Each and every day I see advances in his quite amazing..  We bought him a 'Strider' bicycle (is like a real bike, but with no pedals..teaches balance)..he hasn't quite got the hang of it yet, but he tries so is just a matter of time.  Joel also had his first visit to the dentist he did great and kicked the pacifier habit soon after with no problems whatsoever!  We haven't started potty training yet, but will do so when he is able to communicate better.  Also, he is still sleeping in his crib (not trying to escape..yet :)..we plan on transitioning him to a bed without railing before starting potty training.  Joel had a wonderful Christmas and 2nd birthday.  We held an art-themed party here at the house..was a lot of fun..had several different art stations set up.  He received lots of fun presents including a play kitchen, art easel, t-ball set, basketball goal, and his very first train set.  He absolutely LOVES this set so we are planning on getting him a train table soon.  He is also really into airplanes right now..who knows, he may end up being a pilot.. :)  Hope's colic finally stopped around 3 months old, Praise the Lord!  She started eating rice cereal about a month ago and is (finally) taking supplemental formula which is helping her sleep longer.  I am still breastfeeding, but am planning on weaning her completely next month.  She is trying to sit up and can roll from her tummy to her back, altho not very easily and not without fussing (she hates tummy time).  We transitioned her to her crib, but we still end up co-sleeping.  She is smiling and starting to laugh and is drooling like a leaky faucet lol.  Here are some recent pics:

This tricycle is 30+ years old (used to belong to Troy).  Grandpa Ricklefsen did a beautiful job restoring it!
Hope's first Christmas!

look at that smile!  She seems all grown up!