12/22/09 Almost there!!!

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Well, it's crunch time..week 38 and it's official..we are FULL TERM! HALLELUJAH!!! I went to the Dr. today and learned we are 70% effaced (sorry if is TMI, but that means the cervix is thinning out) and 1 cm dialated. Dr. thinks, however, that we'll make it to the due date (1/10) and jokes about having to induce me (is a bit funny considering how early we delivered Ariel). Christmas is in two days so as long as we don't deliver on that day then I'm AOK with whatever...just don't want baby's birthday competing with Christ's..as if there is any competition..lol :) It would be nice to get the tax credit if he/she is born before the end of the year, but whatever happens will happen...is all in His hands. We are just ever so thankful to the Lord for this wonderful blessing! I celebrated today by treating myself to a deluxe spa pedicure and manicure...ahhhhh... :)
Since my last post we enjoyed a very nice Thanksgiving celebration at my in-laws home in Sun City and my mother-in-law threw a little surprise baby shower for us...we definitely didn't expect her to do this and are very grateful. :) Also, my amazing mother and sister came into town and helped with getting all of the baby stuff organized...I honestly don't know what I'd do without them...am definitely feeling much more prepared...but am still scared/excited!
Here are some recent belly pics taken...fortunately I've only gained 19 pounds so far...(I think stopping drinking wine actually helped me lose weight lol)..appears to be all baby!


Well I guess next time I write it will be next year already and we'll have our little bundle of joy! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! XOXO