Well..it seems like forever since I've blogged last..obviously my two
little munchkins are keeping me super busy..lol Sooo- much has
happened in the last 6 months I really don't know where to start.. In
June we took Hope with us to Canada..she did great on the airplane and
was such a little trooper as we explored Vancouver city, island and the
Canadian Rockies..such beauty was to be seen everywhere we looked..we
will definitely be bringing both kids back once they are a little
older.. Joel stayed in TX with the grandparents for two weeks..we were
really sad to leave him, but he did great and we will never leave him
that long again.. Hope is now walking! She took her first real steps at
11.5 months and is still pretty wobbly on her feet and falls often, but
she is one tough little cookie and just keeps on trekking lol. She currently has 8 teeth and I believe a few more are to make their
appearances soon...joy.. She is eating solid table foods and is almost
completely off formula (still takes 2 bottles/day but I'm "hoping" to
fully wean her soon). Yesterday was Halloween and we went over to my
friend Lesa's house and trick-or-treated in her neighborhood. Joel
dressed up as Superman and Hope was a little princess (both very fitting
costumes :) Fun, fun! Joel is enrolled in preschool at St.
Elizabeth's Catholic Church's parents day out program. He loves it as
do I because it gives me some one on one time with Hope and is a great,
Christian (most important!) structured classroom which is helping
prepare him for the real thing :) I am serving in the children's
ministry at our local church (Hill Country Bible). Joel is in my class
and is getting exposure to stucture (and the bible!) there as well..
Hope isn't saying too many words yet, still a lot of babble, but she
will point to things I ask her to while we are reading and uses some
signs. Joel's vocabulary has improved by leaps and bounds..he is nearly
obsessed with the ABC's and phonics which is helping a lot with his
speech (still much room for improvement tho). I am so thankful to God
for these two blessings and pray that they will develop into beautiful,
Christ loving adults in the future. Here are some recent pictures. Oh,
also, we *finally* got professional family pictures taken when Hope was
about 7 months old..the shots came out really good (non pictured here) and I will cherish
them always.
Her first Easter! |
Look ma, my first tooth! |
In Chinatown, Victoria, BC |
Being silly in the bath :) |
Birthday girl enjoying a chocolate cupcake! |
One year old! |
Daddy and Joel chillin' at Lake Pflugerville |
Spaghetti Fun! |
Sporting a new haircut |
So handsome! |
Sitting on Daddy's bike..don't get any ideas buddy.. |
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