12/22/09 Almost there!!!

11:34 PM 0 Comments »
Well, it's crunch time..week 38 and it's official..we are FULL TERM! HALLELUJAH!!! I went to the Dr. today and learned we are 70% effaced (sorry if is TMI, but that means the cervix is thinning out) and 1 cm dialated. Dr. thinks, however, that we'll make it to the due date (1/10) and jokes about having to induce me (is a bit funny considering how early we delivered Ariel). Christmas is in two days so as long as we don't deliver on that day then I'm AOK with whatever...just don't want baby's birthday competing with Christ's..as if there is any competition..lol :) It would be nice to get the tax credit if he/she is born before the end of the year, but whatever happens will happen...is all in His hands. We are just ever so thankful to the Lord for this wonderful blessing! I celebrated today by treating myself to a deluxe spa pedicure and manicure...ahhhhh... :)
Since my last post we enjoyed a very nice Thanksgiving celebration at my in-laws home in Sun City and my mother-in-law threw a little surprise baby shower for us...we definitely didn't expect her to do this and are very grateful. :) Also, my amazing mother and sister came into town and helped with getting all of the baby stuff organized...I honestly don't know what I'd do without them...am definitely feeling much more prepared...but am still scared/excited!
Here are some recent belly pics taken...fortunately I've only gained 19 pounds so far...(I think stopping drinking wine actually helped me lose weight lol)..appears to be all baby!


Well I guess next time I write it will be next year already and we'll have our little bundle of joy! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! XOXO

11/21/09 Passing the time...

8:37 PM 3 Comments »
Hello again..well we're almost 33 weeks along..just 3 more weeks of progesterone shots, A MEN!  They really haven't been too bad..kinda painful, but we women are no strangers to pain, right?!  Definitely a small price to pay for the peace of mind...

I'm feeling pretty good now that we have most of the baby essentials, but haven't set up the nursery yet as we had a housemate occupying that space.. :-/  He just left yesterday (yay!) so I will now be focused on that (aka "nesting" my little heart out :)..  We plan to keep baby in our room for the first several months so there is no huge rush...not to mention that not knowing the sex makes it really hard to decorate a nursery...right...

So, YES, since the Dr. has ordered limited activites and I've been out of work, I've definitely been going a little stir crazy...I do spend as much time possible in the bed resting, but can't imagine having been on strict bedrest this whole time...I did for a week with the last pregnancy and that was really hard..I'm so grateful that wasn't necessary and am praying the rest of the pregnancy continues to go as smoothly.. 

I just finished a Beth Moore ladies' bible study on the book of Esther...it was AMAZING!  I highly recommend doing one if you haven't already.  This was the second bible study I've done (the first Beth Moore one) and WOW I'm already looking forward to the next..

I've also started a picture collage project of our travels.  I've used all types of picture frames that we had and bought some more from Garden Ridge (has THE best selection :)  I plan to hang them along the hallway and staircase walls.  I will also be adding family pics especially once we get some of the new baby!

ALSO (drum roll please :)  Here is a picture of the baby afghan that I just finished crocheting today!  Since we don't know the sex I picked yarn with blue, pink and yellow in it..  I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out...especially considering it is the first piece I've ever done (patting myself on the back :)  Who'd ever thought I would end up crocheting?? LOL!

Here is a belly shot I took today..eat your heart out!  ;-D  'Til next time...Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  XOXO

10/31/09 We passed!

1:45 AM 2 Comments »
So I took the three hour long glucose tolerance test and and thank the Lord we don't have gestational diabetes!  Nevertheless, I have taken this little scare as a wake up call to eat better...bye bye Ben and Jerry's :-(

Since this pregnancy has restrictions on traveling, activities, etc. we are going to wait until after the birth to have a co-ed "meet and greet" shower which Troy's cousins and a few friends have offered to throw.  We are blessed that my sister as well as our neighbor are giving us some of their leftover baby essentials that will help get us through the first weeks.  Also, our Sam's Club membership will be very handy for saving $ on all those diapers..  Most of the other nursery purchases, etc. will of course depend on whether it's a boy or girl!

As I sit here typing I feel baby kicking/punching pretty low "down there"...like it's trying to escape, lol...I googled and read this is pretty normal...I guess he/she is as eager to see us as we are to see it!  In due time my love, in due time... :-D

Here is a pic from the latest ultrasound.  We were surprised to see baby in 4D!

10/25/09 29 Weeks...and counting!

3:07 PM 1 Comment »
Hello again! Well we are now at 29 weeks and the reality that we are having a baby is really starting to set in.. A few weeks ago we had an ultrasound and they determined the baby is 4 days ahead of schedule, so the new due date is Jan. 7th, 2010. YAY!

I got the precious swine flu vaccine (TG!) and took the one hour initial glucose test for gestational diabetes last week.  It was a little high so tomorrow I have to take the three hour tolerance test. I'm not looking forward to it at all..as they'll be drawing blood four different times and I'm a hard stick..uggg...but since I'm predisposed to diabetes is best for baby..

We are waiting until the delivery to learn the baby's sex. This was Troy's idea and although I'm dying to know waiting will definitely make the delivery extra exciting! If it is a boy, which I'm really feeling it is, we are going to name him Joel Allen. Allen is a family name and Troy picked out Joel, is a biblical name and the Hebrew translation is "God is Willing"...we sure hope so! If it is a girl, we've decided on either Hope Lyn or Faith Lyn. Lyn is a family name and we have definitely kept up our Hope and Faith, A men! Well, 'til next time...here is a belly shot I took a few weeks ago...it's getting bigger everyday!

9/30/09 Intro

4:38 PM 0 Comments »
Hello there, Rebecca here..well, a few of my other friends have blogs and I had been holding off on starting a family blog because we lost our first child, precious Ariel Lyn, at 5 months pregnant on Oct. 18, 2007 due to PPROM (see http://www.kanalen.org/prom/ for more info). I feared the same could happen again (30% chance), BUT the good Lord has kept us strong and we have come a long way since then... We are now 25 weeks preggers and are praying for a healthy full term baby! I have been on leave from work since 19 weeks and am focusing on relaxing and making a baby! I am on modified bedrest and am getting weekly progesterone injections which help prevent preterm labor. We are taking it one day at a time, giving thanks, and trusting Him completely along the way. It has been a rough road, but from what I hear..will be worth it!

Here is a pic of our little guy/gal from a 17 wk ultrasound..so cute...foot sticking out and sucking his/her thumb!